Gingivitis Symptoms: Everything You Need to Know

Riverside Dental Care • Oct 09, 2018
gingivitis symptoms - man with dental pain

Do you think you may have gingivitis? Here is your guide to common gingivitis symptoms so you can find out. Do you think you may have gingivitis? Here is your guide to common gingivitis symptoms so you can find out.

Gingivitis Symptoms

Do you have a bad habit of skipping your bi-annual dentist appointments? You may think there's no harm as long as your teeth don't hurt, but regular cleanings help ensure your teeth stay healthy.

Roughly half of American adults suffer from periodontal disease - an infection that can cause damage to the gums and jawbone. Periodontal disease starts with something a lot less sinister: gingivitis.

This is a common form of gum disease that you can keep under control with the right care. If you experience any gingivitis symptoms, make an appointment with your dentist to stop it from turning into periodontal disease.

So, what should you be on the lookout for? Keep reading to discover common gingivitis symptoms.

First, What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a mild gum disease caused by plaque build-up. Although plaque occurs naturally on your teeth, it poses a problem when too much accumulates around your teeth or under your gum line. If left untreated, gingivitis can turn into periodontal disease or tooth loss.

Certain activities, such as smoking, poor oral health, and an unhealthy diet can contribute to your risk of gingivitis. The best way to prevent it is by practicing good tooth brushing and flossing techniques at home. You should also visit the dentist for cleanings every six months and look for the following gingivitis symptoms.

bad breath - woman covering mouth

Bad Breath

Has your partner been telling you that your breath stinks lately even after you've brushed your teeth? You probably feel embarrassed and a little self-conscious about it.

There are many different causes of bad breath. It could be as simple as eating a stinky lunch, but it's also one of the early signs of gingivitis. As plaque and tartar build-up on your teeth, your mouth will have a higher level of bacteria present, which could be causing that bad odor.

Sensitive Gums

Do you feel pain when you touch your gums? You should be able to push gently on healthy gums and not feel any pain at all. Tender, soft, or swollen gums are common symptoms of gingivitis.

The color of your gums can also be a giveaway. Healthy gums should be a light pink color. Those with gingivitis may have a bright or deep red color to their gums. In some cases, it may even appear purple, which is a warning sign that it's time to see your local dentist.

Bleeding Gums

Did you notice any blood in the sink after you brushed your teeth this morning? You may hear your dentist's words echoing in your mind: "they're bleeding because you don't floss."

Bleeding gums when brushing your teeth is a symptom of gingivitis. Your gums should be strong enough to withstand brushing and flossing without bleeding. This coupled with tender and red gums are among the most common signs of mild gingivitis.

Dr. Angelica Silivria with patient

Receding Gums

You've heard of a receding hairline, but now you have to worry about receding gums too? While red and bleeding gums are no fun, it's the receding gum line you may be most worried about. Once it recedes, it can be hard to bring back to normal.

If you notice your smile looks a bit more toothy than usual, examine your gums. If they seem to have pulled back, you may want to make an appointment to visit your dentist. The sooner you can get a professional teeth cleaning, the more likely your gums will return to their normal position.

Loose or Shifting Teeth

Let's face it - finding a loose tooth is only fun while you're in elementary school. When it happens in adulthood, you begin to panic.

Although you shouldn't have loose teeth with mild gingivitis, it may occur if left untreated and your gingivitis begins to progress into periodontal disease. Shifting teeth is another one of the scary symptoms of gingivitis. If you have partial dentures that don't fit anymore, notice a tooth becoming crooked or feel a difference in your bite, you may have experienced some shifting teeth.

You might have spent years as a kid with braces to get that perfect smile you have today. Don't let gingivitis ruin it. Instead, visit the dentist to get your gingivitis under control before it gets worse.


Pain is your body's way of telling you that something isn't right. It should come as no surprise that pain can also be a symptom of even mild gingivitis.

You may experience sensitive teeth or pain when chewing. The pain you feel while eating could come from either your teeth or gums and should be a sign that it's time to see the dentist.


Remember the days when you were an acne-prone teenager? You spent more time than you'd like to admit trying to pop your pimples. What's even worse than watching that pus leave your skin is finding it in your mouth.

Since a build-up of plaque causes gingivitis, there will be a lot of extra bacteria present in your mouth. If that plaque and bacteria sneak under your gumline, you may experience pus between your teeth and gums. This might be the most unappetizing and embarrassing symptom, so be sure to get to a dentist to clean that plaque out.

man notices dental pain while brushing teeth

What to Do If You Notice Gingivitis Symptoms?

It might be tempting to spend an extra minute brushing your teeth instead of calling the dentist if you experience mild gingivitis. It's important to remember that even mild gingivitis can transform into the more dangerous periodontal disease if not taken care of. If you experience any of the above gingivitis symptoms, your best bet is to call your dentist for a professional cleaning before it gets worse.

Is it time for your next teeth cleaning? Contact us today to set up an appointment.

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